Athens 2000

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Tasso Siatras with his parents. Worried about being homesick, his parents are assured by fellow players that he will be well taken care of.
Wrong Way!! After a bout with customs officials in Montreal, Spero Egerhas was banished to New York. He seemed confused when customs informed him that his passport had expired.
The Airport: Fresh from a nine hour flight, the boys can't wait to socialize. Also, one of the last times we see Spero Papoulias in a group photo.
The Boot: Entrance to Moschato Recreation Complex. The place where Greek hockey stars are born.
Yes, I also thought Ron Duguay retired years ago but he showed up as a guest linesman. As you can see, the Moschato Recreation Complex was filled to capacity. Bill Syrros focuses on speedy Greek skaters.
Canada and Greece celebrate a spirited first game. Score: Canada 13 Greece 5
Celebrating after a victory, the team poses for a picture at the hotel.
One word: O - Lym - Pia - kos! The boys enjoy fine dining at one of the Plaka's most famous places. This place became our team watering hole with multiple celebrations and fine comradery with restaurant staff. Jim Sourges is overwhelmed with the taste of his lamb and a quick glimpse of Tasso Siatras starting one of his many all night binges. Tom Zouzoulas takes one of his many naps.
Hung over, the team made its way to the Acropolis. The tourists cleared out as soon as they got a whiff of our hockey sweaters.
Another team picture.
Perverbial tourist picture.
Nick Delis holds unknown vixen tight. He later explains to her that he must see relatives the next day. She was then overcome with tears.
At the other end of the bar, Tasso not happy with Nick attracting all the women, decides to go hard on the bottle.
Who was that ass?? Lurking down corridors of the Royal Olympic Hotel, guests were told to lock their doors.
Proud of their silver medal, Hellenic Team Canada's Defence corps pose for pictures. Left to right: Spero Papoulias, Tom Zouzoulas, Jim Sourges, Bill Syrros, Emmanuel Florakas, Jim Antonakos
The boys saved the best for last. A night of shear drunkenness and dancing erupted at the bazouki on Friday evening. It will forever remain in our memory. Dancing on the tables, the ever entertaining rug show by Florakas and further celebrations at the Hilton afterwards. What an evening.